Want to reduce your business’s carbon footprint while also boosting your bottom line? Dry ice blasting helps companies like yours achieve sustainability and productivity objectives. It is the safest, most eco-friendly and efficient cleaning method available in...
We’re glad you asked! The process behind dry ice blasting is just as cool as the name eludes to. Here’s the quick and to-the-point science behind it: Dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide or CO2, is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a...
How 5 Simple Changes Can Make All The Difference We consider ourselves very fortunate here at Dry Ice Works. We have the privilege of working with world-class manufacturers and manufacturing service providers who compete and win on a global scale. These...
Can Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Be Performed Indoors? ~Yes. Dry ice blast cleaning is a safe and effective cleaning process commonly used in industrial, commercial and even certain residential environments (mold remediation, fire restoration etc…). Pelletized dry ice...
Photo by Joel Barwick on Unsplash “Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings.” ~Jane Jacobs “The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961).” Detroit, Chicago,...
Dry Ice Blast Cleaning is: Safe Efficient Cost-effective Non-abrasive Non-conducive Economically friendly Sterile and FDA approved So, let’s take a look at how can dry ice blasting benefit specific industries ~Aerospace Facilities and Equipment This revolutionary...