The 5 Most Common Questions About Dry Ice Blast Cleaning

Apr 5, 2024 | Dry Ice Blasting

Can Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Be Performed Indoors?


Dry ice blast cleaning is a safe and effective cleaning process commonly used in industrial, commercial and even certain residential environments (mold remediation, fire restoration etc…). 

Pelletized dry ice is a non-toxic, non-abrasive media which sublimates into a harmless gas (CO2) which then dissipates into the atmosphere.  Dry ice simply evaporates and ‘disappears’ as it reaches room temperature, leaving no residue or trace of debris.  It simply vanishes!

The concentration of CO2 produced during the dry ice sublimation process is minimal and requires no ventilators or specialized breathing equipment at all.  No special precautions are necessary, other than being aware of the extremely cold (-109.3° F/-78.5°C) temperatures of dry ice pellets.

Additionally, because of the ‘softness’ and transient nature of the pelletized dry ice, there is very little danger of collateral damage to any surrounding structures during the cleaning process.

When properly performed, dry ice blasting is safe for the cleaning technicians, employees, and any bystanders wearing proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) willing to follow simple, commonsense safety precautions.

What Happens to the Grease, Oil, Dirt During Dry Ice Blast Cleaning?

Most dirt and dry debris will fall to the floor where it can be swept or vacuumed up for proper disposal.  The dry ice blast-cleaning process doesn’t rely on chemicals or harsh cleaning solvents to remove the filth.  The blasting process takes care of even the most stubborn, stuck-on grime rather quickly and easily.

Heavily soiled, wet and oily areas are typically mopped up prior to dry ice blast cleaning.  Some greasy areas can be pre-treated with dry, absorbent materials to facilitate even easier cleaning.  But generally, most all grease and oils are ‘pushed’ or corralled towards a specific area where they can be ‘mopped’ up or absorbed by various cleaning techniques after everything has been thoroughly cleaned.

What Happens to All The Dirt and Debris Afterwards?

All remnant debris can be disposed of on-site or contained and disposed of off-site, in compliance with all regulating laws, policies, and procedures.

What Are the Requirements for a Dry Ice Blast Cleaning Crew to Operate Effectively?

The dry ice blast-cleaning process requires a 1 inch or larger (150 psi min) supply line of cool, dry, compressed air.  For this reason, most professional ice blasting contractors will choose to provide their own compressed air supply.

Air temperatures which exceed 140 degrees F will damage the internal components of the pelletized ice blasting unit.  Additionally, many compressed air services build up moisture from condensation within the system.  This moisture will cause havoc on the dry ice cleaning process, freezing up the ice supply, air supply, and the flow of dry ice through the blasting system.

Some models of dry ice blasting equipment also require a direct connection to a standard 120-Volt electrical outlet for consistent voltage supply.  On rare occasions, an extension cord can be used to make the electrical connection, provided that the extension is less than 50 feet in length and rated at 10 gauge or higher.

What Are the Main Benefits of Dry Ice Blast Cleaning?

  • No Water
  • No Grit
  • No Chemicals
  • Non-conducive (safe around electrical connections)
  • Reduces downtime for maintenance
  • Reduces lost production (maint)
  • Cleaning can be done with minimal disassembly
  • Ecologically friendly
  • Saves money, time, labor, and materials
  • No exposure to corrosive solvents
  • Eliminates secondary waste
  • Cleans without etching or damaging surfaces
  • NO damage to sensitive machinery
  • NO drying time

Improve your results.

Ease the production burden of your machine service intervals.

Reduce your overall cleaning time and get back to production sooner with dry ice blast cleaning.

Dry Ice Works trained ice blast cleaning technicians are safe, courteous and conscientious.

Our People Improve Your Process.

Contact Us for a FREE, No Obligation Cleaning Assessment.

800-451-8684 ~ Dry Ice Works!

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